Wednesday, October 29, 2008


-Beran-Adopted Child-II-

I remember last time; Kyoto was a place where people come to view the sugar cherry, visit the temples and shrines. Now it is just a tropical like jungle.

I must be alert. The werewolves may appear any time…


I drew out my sword and cut out a werewolf’s limb. Blood splashed on my face. There it is the werewolf.

Without any time to wasted, I threw out 4 niku to its heart but they missed. The werewolf was angry since I cut off its limb.

Using its only hand, it attacked me with an abnormal strength. I jumped up in the air then I heard the sound of air flowing behind me.

Damn it!

I used my sword to block another werewolf’s attack. But its huge power made my hand pain and paralysis. I landed on the ground and took a good look.

There are two of them. I should remember that wolves won’t be alone, they are group animals. They’re a little too friendly. I’m not even in the jungle yet.

After some aggressive exercise, I can finally make my first step into the jungle. Now I know that they are more difficult to handle than I thought.

The first day passed safely but this does not mean I can let my guard down. Most of the werewolf live in the inner part of the jungle and this means their group will be bigger, not just two or five in group.

Today is my 16th day in the jungle, I had defeated many werewolves and I discovered that the rate for me to finish this mission is low.

First of all, I’m running out of food. Although there are many fruits around but they are polluted and not safe to consume. The most important thing is that I’m tired. I can’t find a chance to let my guard down and have a good sleep. Most of the time, I’m awake, but from time to time, sit down to let my body rest.

If this continues I may face athopia. I’ve got to finish my mission as fast as I can and just blow out the stupid camp. Besides, when you are alone, you may easily go off into wild flights of fancy, talking to myself and become neurotic.
Man! I’m getting crazy!

After that day, I found myself a mate. The story starts like this…


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