Thursday, October 22, 2020

Hi There, Welcome Back and What Should I Do to This Blog?

Oh wow, 
It had been around 4 years since I last update my blog.
I was reminded by Xuan about this blog as she visited hers yesterday. 
She read back her post and came out with some thoughts like 
"Wow, I'm so clever back then." 

I haven't went through my and I wonder what will I think after I read them.

I'm now posting with the Blogger App.

Just curious how the layout looks like in the web version.
The smartphone era make the posting so much different and easier compare to last time.
It reminds me of those old days when I learn all those coding to maintain the blog and made it present in a way I wish it to.

Ever since I went to University, 
I somehow abandon this place.
I think the principle reason being is I have a mindset that this blog is supposed to be a place where I should post my fantasy, ideas and maybe some anime reviews.

But when I move to university and  adulthood,
I play online games, reading BL manga and novels.

The online game is a time-consuming hobby.
It won't leave you any creative ideas or opinion to express your thoughts and feeling.
In fact, it drains a lot of your energy.
As for the BL manga and novels, 
Most of them are in Chinese and my subconscious mind just wants me to express them in Chinese instead of English. 

That's why I move to Plurk,
And I just realize when time passes,
I didn't update much at Plurk too.

Well, that's another story we can talk about on another day. my concern is...
What should I do to this blog?
What should I post here, and what am I going to do with it in future?

CMOC roadblock at Desa Petaling: 
The newest Camera Picture on my phone which I took it today when I went out for lunch. 

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Everyday, I pray it is a better day and nothing to worry.

Wow, last post on 7 Sep 2014? Where am I in 2015?

Hmm....should I active my blog again?

But I have not much to tell...

Read back my previous post on 13 Jan 2104 :

Well...I'm finally graduate and get myself a job. I'm currently an outsource Internal Auditor which I'm quite proud of myself.(〃∀〃)

Although it is a tiring  job and require a tons skills and knowledge, I think it is a good training ground which I'm willing to bite my teeth and stay here for at least 2 years.

Becca has just graduated and currently in Taiwan for some sort of exchange student programs. She will be back to Malaysia in the end of Aug. I wonder will she bring her Taiwanese bf back to Malaysia?

Cai Ling had stopped her full time study at Sunway. She has 2 more papers left for her ACCA. She's currently active in food and beverage industry and not plan to be in any office job after she finishes her papers.

I admire her as she is brave enough to be what she want and do what she is interested in.

I'm still reading light novels, manga and watching anime. However, I haven't played any game since I start working. ・゜・(PД`q。)・゜・

Recently, I had found myself a new hobby which is knitting and crochet.

Sound like an old granny am I? :;(∩´﹏`∩);:

Shermaine is now working as Sales Coordinator while Sherry went back to Ipoh and work as an in-house Internal Auditor.

We have a QQ group which we still actively keep in touch with each others.

Anyways, life goes on. Everyday, I pray it is a better day and nothing to worry.

Sunday, September 7, 2014


很久以前 老妈就有和我们提起这件事。
一直和我们说 人群里你们的容貌只有55%  
那么久以后看到这篇文章 深深地觉得自己很失败。
































如果你们不能一辈子供给我 优渥的生活,那为什麽从小 要让我养成这种习惯(转贴)


在看到下面的文章之前 我其实有和老妹讨论过这个问题 而老妹的回答是:
“人都在进步 莫凡你要一直留在最底层?”

回想一下 我应该觉得庆幸我不是一开始就有什么优渥的生活 因为我的父母也是一步一步慢慢地提升自己 让我们得到这样的生活水准。

我真的感到庆幸 而且感谢我老妈把我教得那么好。








































Wednesday, May 7, 2014


不知不觉 在新宿舍也住了有半年。
老实说 我觉得我比较喜欢新宿舍。
不管是环境 还是人 或者相处模式 我都觉得新宿舍比较适合我。

如今 就算现在在学校还是会遇到久宿舍的舍友 感觉也只是 Hi-Bye friend 而已。
他们不再约我出来吃饭 看戏 什么活动也不通知我。
虽然之前他们每次约我 我都拒绝了……
主要是他们的活动我不喜欢 庆生买的礼物都很花钱 而且如果你不参与 意思是你不支持 这些种种都很给压力。
加上性格上合不来 和几位久舍友的相处模式也很尴尬……
好吧 是大家的观念不大一样的问题。

虽然有同龄的 可学期全都没我修得多。
大家都相处的很融合 主要是有几个开心果在帮忙调整气氛……
他们不会强迫我参加他们的活动 而且就算举行活动 庆生什么的 也没有太华丽或昂贵的礼物 大家聚聚 吃吃饭就是了。
活动不密集 消费不高 而且不勉强参与 就是很轻松 很轻松。


Monday, January 13, 2014

Life is STILL meaningless?

Just read back my old post and I think I can write some review on them.

The first post I've read is "Life is meaningless" posted on 17 April 2008.

Wow~~~so my blog is now 6 years old?

Em hmmm~~~~back to topic.

In this post I've mention what we plan to be when we growth up. Becca want to be a nurse but end up studying agriculture at Sabah; I want to be in Bio field but end up studying Accounting in UTAR and currently are more interested in business field; Cai Ling is now studying ACCA in Sunway.

It is a big different from what we plan last time.

In the older post, I do mention about Quek found his talent, which is dancing, although now he had quit it and I didn't found my. After 6 years, I still haven't found my. It is sad. T^T

Now my hours and days switch from comic and anime to online game and Chinese novel. Back to the world, nothing I have gain and it make things worst.

Last time, while I'm reading comic and watching anime, I'm at least have different ideas which inspire from the comic and anime and it allow me to write some interesting novels or stories and kept my brain activated. I'm watching anime on AXN channel or the Animax channel which is in English subtitle. It unconsciously help me to practice my English.

Now, addicted to online game didn't help me to activate my brain and I felt like my brain had become more and more rusty. Chinese novel and anime which downloaded online are all in Chinese. Moreover study in UTAR, a total Chinese society, it just make me lost the opportunity to be in touch with English!

Now, my English pronunciation are sucks! I can't even speak a proper sentence! I've mess up my basic! Past tense, verbs, nouns.....I can't even make up a full sentence.

It just make me want to cry......

Perform bad in academic had make me lost my opportunity to get a job (in future). Some more, perform bad in an interview (my sucks English)......As I said, it just make things worst.

Today, life is still meaningless?

I think my life is aimless....and a piece of shit....

I want to play The Sims!

I'm bored playing online games.

And now, I wish I can play some offline games.

Thus, I've go to search for some PS1 game which I can play with my PC.

But it end up I can stand on the PS1 poor graphic.

Later on, the facebook game---Social Life inspire me!

It remind me the game----The Sims!  

And now, I'm craving to play it!

Just hope that I can find a download source and success to install it.

Recommend to all of you---Puzzle Fitghter, one of my favourite PS1 game.

You can play it online by clicking the link below:

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

现在上瘾的是online game

现在我在玩的online game是balde and sword,《剑灵》而且还是中国服务器。在这之前我玩的是dragon nest,《龙之谷》不过是SEA server。DN我玩了有4年左右 而且还invest了RM100进去。想想当初还是看到becca玩 然后觉得graphic很美 所以就试看玩。玩了以后才发现原来quek也在玩。最后全部人都没玩了 可我还在玩 还拉我的roommate,shermaine陪我玩。

然后当我们玩厌DN时 剑灵上市了。 graphic,function什么的都比DN新 又有趣 所以 我们跳槽了。可是 我们可说是遇到很多波折 其中最大原因是因为是外国服务器 所以很lag。有时 甚至是卡到进不到游戏 或者attack 出招什么的都出现massive delay。所以 shermaine不玩了。

嘛~~~~其实也是因为shermaine毕业了 然后她家没unifi 然后要担心下未来前途什么的。。。所以就这样咯。结果我现在是没guild 没friend 自己solo到底。

然后 悲剧来了!

因为我是那种 只顾leveling和做quest的人 所以weapon enhancement,accessories这些 到后面高level时才发现没做 然后很需要 可是又不会。。。简直是OMG的悲剧!

老妹说 "玩game比较不会沉迷" 我觉得这个说法不对 因为现在的游戏 又是签到 又是每日任务。像shermaine:"不行, 我还没有做这个 我还没有做那个 我还不可以offline " 这样 那样的情况。

然后我有时也跟着被影响 比如说 "看~~~shermaine还在玩啊 那么我也玩吧!"然后就很迟睡什么的。所以说 我是个很没有自制力的人。

明年shermaine不在了 希望我可以早睡 还有不被影响到一个不会小心打game打到太over。。。

然后我刚刚发现 玩剑灵 我也有轻微的 "这个没做完 那个没做完 我不能offline"的symptoms。


而且还刚认识了人 可能会被加进guild。。。我能不能够control自己呢?

如果没认识那个人 我明天开始就直接stop了!呜呜~~~为什么这么刚好啊?现在怎么办啊?

Saturday, January 4, 2014


那么在进入主题前 看来我这是把半夜写博客当作是舒解失眠的方式?看回前面几篇post的时间……嗯 (点头) 好像是这样。 嘛~~这总比失眠时 躺在床上无所事事 滾来滚去 结果越滚越火滚来得好。虽然这对失眠没什么改善。(小声)

那么回去画家这个话题 我目前喜欢的画家有4位 两个漫画家 和两个插画家。漫画家不用说一定是日本人了 至于插画家 如果没记错 一个是台湾人 一个是中国人。她们分别是: 阿部美幸,宝井理人,蕾拉Leila 和 深草。

阿部美幸 漫画家 她的作品除了喜欢她的画风 最重要的是故事剧情好看 加上够长 看到很过瘾 可如果是在连载着的 那就痛苦了。阿部美幸的作品里 我最喜欢的也就是现在连载着的《SUPER LOVER》我都重看了超过五次了 可我旁边的朋友们都因为它还在连载而
拒看。呜呜~~~伤心了。深深喜欢上那种日常的剧情的是《青春微忧日记》这个也是我提到的够长够过瘾的那个。这个因为很长 所以我只重看了大概三次。老师的作品大概是从《微忧日记》后面才能看 早期的作品………我只能说 画风太旧 看不下去。
《SUPER LOVER》的facebook:
微博里的 阿部美幸騎士團:

继续是漫画家 宝井理人。她的作品都比较偏向温馨派 看了也觉得很文艺。最喜欢的作品是《只有花知道》?可是最近新出 在连载着的《10 count》也很不错啊!宝井理人的作品都是算中短篇 而且老师还会画同人呢~~~目前知道老师有画过的同人有《One Piece》和《进击的巨人》。

然后是Leila 台湾插画家 认识她的作品大概是从《天师执位》开始。虽然sherry和我都觉得老师的人物有给人一种很僵硬的feel 可是还是不知觉的喜欢。然后在看了一篇采访 老师说她喜欢 强强的feel 西装 枪 皮鞋 一些微小的配件如neck tie pin这种都是她注重的东西。然后我就被这个采访说服了!因为我也是喜欢这些东西的人。最近看了老师的微博 感觉老师画的背景也很细腻 很美。最后老师自己是个大美人哦! 而且听说 老师都画很快 很快能交货。

最后一位!(我都快写了有一个小时了) 中国插画家 深草。认识深草是从《另一种人生》开始。其实深草的Q版图都很萌 而且画的人物都很美!感觉都是色彩缤纷的 让人高兴的颜色。我往往买新书时 被封面吸引 然后再看画家是谁时才发现原来是深草啊?比如说上个post提到的《蝠星东来》还有《赤龙奴》。

最后这个post放的图是Leila的作品 是我想跳的新坑小说。(想买 想看 可是为什么你还在连载啊?大学book voucher几时下来?)

Friday, January 3, 2014

暧昧暧昧就好 不用真刀实枪

今天灵光一闪 莫非我其实没有很喜欢BL了? 单从我今年从书香买回来的书就可以看到 其实都是轻小说。

回想以前 我就算看BL 都会比较注重剧情 再来才是要H得有味道。 除非那时真的很饥饿 就真的因为要肉而看肉。

想想我最近看的轻小说 其实或多或少 都有点暧昧暧昧 隐隐约约的腐味存在。可能就像Sherry所说的 那种隐隐约约 能够自己YY的才比较有味道?这个我可以深深的从《正义美食团》这本轻小说里理解到。

其实这都是因为BL的作者们都跑来写轻小说啦!然后腐女的本性不是说断就断 藏就藏 所以才会看到这些暧昧的影子。

现在想想 我要追的轻小说还真多: 护玄的《因与 簿案录》和《特殊传说》,蓝旗左衽的《劣等生》,迥小異的《阴阳捡骨师》。这么看来我2013年还真跳了很多坑 而且一个BL坑都没跳到。我可以当作这是我内心稍微被净化的symptoms吗? ヾ(P●>艸<q)☆゜。+゜*。。゜

虽然之前一直说什么修身养性……屁啦!这种事怎么可能做到?我也看开了 现在只要求能减少 和能控制自己 别太沉迷就好。

也许像我表姐说的 这些都是少年轻狂时的表现 一直要看H 可是看完后只觉得特别空虚。so~~~我想我最近应该没什么BL要看 应该会在轻小说的世界徘徊一阵子 只是不知道 我过一阵子后会不会说 看轻小说后还真觉得空虚……你讲完咯! 真是矛盾的发言。

最后刚刚看完蓝旗左衽的最后一集《福星东来》明天就看番外……然后《福星东来》就the end了。 ー(TAT)ー

Thursday, January 2, 2014

偶尔需要发泄 吐糟 投诉

首先应该先祝大家2014年快乐 再来是道歉一下。因为一直以来我一直强调会努力不让自己的负面情绪影响大家 还有说什么 会坚持用英文。可是这样的结果是 到头来我什么也都不会post 什么也都不会说。想想这个blog还有谁会看?还有谁会在意?

2013对我来说 痛苦多过美好。一整年下来的失眠导致身体健康失调 现在只要一考试 压力一来 伤风 感冒 过敏 都找上门来。常自嘲我这是变成“林妹妹”了。

一睡不好脸上的豆豆也跟着多 用老妈的形容词 我这是整个脸都烂了。这样下来 不多自信心被打击得更少了。这么说起来我也很久没看看镜子里的自己了。。。

再来成绩也一直不顺利 拿5科 fail4科。PTPTN loan也就这样断掉了。现在变成伸手拿父母的钱 简直是一巴掌盖下来的感觉。也因为fail了那么多科 接下来会 extend一年左右。还真怕我把老爸 老妈的养老金给吃掉了。

最后 好不容易开始了一小阵子的恋情也被逼结束。人说 初恋是最让人放不下的 所以 过后还是有点纠缠不清 差点落得个小三的名分。这种纠缠是痛苦的 加上遇到的不是很厚道的人 那种残忍的温柔 真的会死人啊!

也因为忽然没了个 说话的对象 现在每次都觉得寂寞 那种想要人陪的感觉快把我逼疯了。

自信心也掉到 minimum。人说 你先要自爱 人家才会爱你 可是我就是爱不了自己。感觉最近在一直自虐 一直觉得自己是个可怜虫。加上最近自己说话都没人听 被无视 真的觉得自己好没有存在感啊。

种种的理由让人自暴自弃 我想现在我连看着别人的眼睛说话都做不到。感觉自己的身份比个外劳还低。。。

嗨~~~~开始明白 活着是痛苦啊。

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Adorable Tom Hiddleston

Just watched Thor 2 on Monday.

After that, once again I'm fall into Tom Hiddleston.

I was like....."OMG! How can you be so adorable? (☆w☆)"

Although I like Thor more than Loki in the movie, but in real life, I like Tom more than Chris.

After I watched the movie, I felt like want to go to the cinema and watch it again.

Oh no~~~~~I'll broke!

Hope Tom can act in many other movies.^^

Lasting, our adorable dancing king----Tom! ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

I Want The World To Be Peace And Happy

It had been a while I didn't read my friends' blog.

After exploring a few of them, I'm so shock that most of them had went through a hard time while I'm not around.

I wander is it because people think that blog is a safe place to express their pressure, emo and negative thoughts? A few of them I've read are full of these materials.

What they express are so blue, grey as if there are no tomorrow. I'm started to worry about them and wander should I give them a call at this midnight time.

I wander last time did I post the same thing like them?
It just make me want to read back my old post.

Everyday is a happy day.
Anyway, life is short.
For me, it wasn't necessary to be meaningful but it must be happy and free from all anxieties.

I know I'm a lucky one as I met friends who have the same viewpoints as me.
They just make me more confidences and able to continue my life in a way I wish to be.

Once again, millions thanks to to my dear supporters.

Wish those who are currently in a low tide can cheer up and be happy.
Hope to read from your blog which is full of joy again soon.